Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.



Sujata Malik, renowned tarot card reader with over two decades of working with various energy healing modalities guides you into the year to come.

Aries: 21st March – 20th April

Family & Friends
You are finding that your family members are stepping on your boundaries this year and you need to take some space for yourself. Everyone goes through periods where they need time to themselves, and you have the right to take as much time as you need to resolve whatever issues you are facing. It is okay to keep space in togetherness!

Let go of the past and let go of any perceived hurt you have had previously. Holding onto negative energy can wreak havoc on your physical systems since the mind and body are connected.  You cannot control the consequences, do your bit to the best.

Love & Relationships
Your needs and desires for your relationship are changing. If you are in a relationship, you need to have a conversation with your partner about what you desire to save the relationship. Change happens, but it takes effort to make relationships work. 

This year will be a prosperous one for you. Make sure to find ways to invest money right, which may bring good returns for you. Also, make sure to help out people less fortunate than you. When you spread around the wealth, it comes back to you. Your generosity and smart financial decisions will be repaid in kind.

Work & Career
People are watching you more than ever at work. It would help if you kept your nose in your work right now. Your superiors are paying attention and are noticing how hard you work, and you will be duly rewarded. If you have been slacking, however, you will also pay the consequences.

Taurus: 21st April – 21st May

Family & Friends
You are going through a time when your spiritual health is essential to you. Most of your family may not be supportive, but one or two people are offering to help you find your way through. Take advantage of this mentoring. It helps to have someone on your side when discovering new things about yourself and the world.

Moderation is the key. It would help if you did everything you can to put your health into your own hands. This includes eating well, getting enough sleep, and beginning a regular exercise routine. These are the areas you should focus on in the next year. It can take time to establish a routine. Start now.

Love & Relationships
You will find your relationship will face some trials this year, and it is important to face them head-on to deal with them. However, if your partner isn’t willing to work on these issues, you may find yourself looking at it ending. If you are single, you may find yourself interested in people who don’t return your affections.

You have worked hard in the past to improve your financial situation, and you are now finding that these efforts have paid off. Hard work is always rewarded in the end, even if it takes a while. Make sure to continue to take care of your financial health and give some to charity.

Work & Career
You have to accept your situation as it is. You cannot change how an entire organization works just because you don’t like it. Make sure to watch your speech, as what you say could get you in trouble this year. If the situation is that difficult, it may be time to find something more suitable for you.

Gemini: 22nd May – 21st June

Family & Friends
You are feeling like your family is treating you more as an equal. It has been difficult to get some family members to accept you as an adult and to accept what you desire in life. However, this year you will see these situations change for the better. Enjoy your new-found partnerships.

If you want to have better health, you need to take action to have it come to fruition. When you take steps to make yourself healthier, you will see progress. Health is not a miracle, and when you take care of yourself, you will feel and look better. Know that you are on the right track.

Love & Relationships
You are sensing that something is not quite right in your relationship. You will find this realization slowly dawning on you this year, and it may take you time to accept the fact that the situation will have to end. You cannot force someone to love you or do the right thing by you.

You will see change for the better this year in your financial situation. You have been putting forth great effort to make it so, and you will continue to do so for the next year. You will desire to take some financial risks. Just make sure you can afford to do so before committing yourself.

Work & Career
Your plate is overflowing at your workplace. You have more to do than you could ever imagine finishing, and the situation is likely to stay that way through the year unless you do something about it. Get help and start working through what you can. An effort will help reduce the pile.

Cancer: 22nd June – 22nd July

Family & Friends
You may feel alone this year, but you must remember that you always have family on your side to help you when things get tough. Hold them in your thoughts and go to them if you need to. They are there for you. They want to help you and support you. Make sure to do the same thing for them.

You are feeling full of vitality and energy. This is a great time to introduce an exercise routine into your life. It can take some time to make this a habit, so don’t give up if you have difficulty. Developing a habit can take time. Putting in the effort will help make even greater progress than you thought possible.

Love & Relationships
You are tired of being alone, and this is the year you will find the love you have been searching for. Make sure to get out there. Mingle, try new activities, and go on blind dates. You never know where love will find you. If you make yourself available this year, the universe will respond in kindness.

You have some financial fears at the beginning of the year, but you shouldn’t fear. Throughout the year you will find that things are steadily improving for you. No matter how bleak things appear right now, you are taking the steps you need to head in the right direction. Keep moving forward.

Work & Career
Work is very passionate and flowing all through the year. You will have more than you can handle. Satisfaction and growth are promised in 2021.

Leo: 23rd July – 22nd August

Family & Friends
This year, you indicate to your family that you cannot shoulder the burden of family issues all by yourself. Ask for help when you need it. It may take some time to find a way to get the help you need from your family; they are willing to help. Speak up for your needs or any emotional support you require.

Look at any health problems that you have this year as a metaphor for deeper issues. If you examine what your body is telling you, you will discover the answers you need to feel better. Also, incorporate rituals into your health routine. Doing something energizing or relaxing will help improve your health in the coming year.

Love & Relationships
You tend to be forceful and direct when it comes to your loving relationship. However, this year it is time to learn to temper those feelings. You will be more successful in love if people don’t find you so forceful or demanding. It can be hard to change your natural tendencies, but it is possible.

You need to find a way to bring more prosperity into your life this year, as you feel, things are rather tight financially. The best way to prosperity is to give something away. When you are willing to give, the universe will return the favour. Generosity returns where it began.

Work & Career
You are seeing new opportunities coming your way this year, whether you are looking for a new job or looking to advance in the one you have. You deserve credit for your hard work, though you don’t always get it. It doesn’t really matter, though. You are all in it as a team. Your day will come.

Virgo: 23rd August – 22nd September

Family & Friends
You are likely to feel very close to a member of your family, most likely a female. She is solidly in your corner this a year and is willing to do whatever she can to help you. She has strong maternal feelings toward you. Use her desire to help, but don’t forget to show gratitude for what she does for you.

To improve your health will be a process. You need to decide what to do about any health issues you may have this year. Your doctor isn’t the ultimate authority, and if something isn’t right, trust your instincts. Do what you need to do to improve your health. Your future is in your hands.

Love & Relationships
Others see you in a positive light, and that bodes well for a future relationship. If you are single, keep your eyes open everywhere. Love may find you in a place that you least expect it. If you are committed, your partner finds you especially attractive this year. Do all you can to make those good feelings last.

Although you are doing well in the financial arena, you still would do better if you cut your expenses and save some. When money flows easily, it is too easy to spend it all without preparing for the future. However, you will find later on that this is a mistake. Make plans for future issues, and enjoy a little now.

Work & Career
You have been experiencing a lot of fear and anxiety surrounding your job, but you know that this doesn’t help your situation. Instead, spend the next year, figuring out what it is that you really want to do and take steps to make that happen. Ask for help if you need it. Others are willing to be your guide.

Libra: 23rd September – 22nd October

Family & Friends
You are having some issues with a family member, which is causing you some anxiety. You have a right to your feelings and it is best to take a step back and decide whether it is really worth fighting over. Sometimes it is best to keep your thoughts to yourself. Not every fight is worth it.

You find that things are improving with your health this year. If you have had a chronic condition, you can look for improvements in the first part of the year, and you enjoy them all year long. Make sure to learn relaxation and to stay positive. Worrying about any health issues will only bring negative results.

Love & Relationships
Either you or your partner is clinging too tightly to something in the relationship, causing a lot of strain and stress. Remember, true love needs space and time to grow and flourish. Clinging will cause major problems. You both need to work out whatever issues are creeping up this year.

You are having a good financial year. This is a good time to take some financial risks as they are likely to turn out in your favour. However, even if you are flustered this year, make sure to plan for the future. You never know when your luck may turn. It is always wise to prepare for the future.

Work & Career
There may be new avenues opening up for you this year. Don’t take any risks. Weigh the opportunities and read the agreements well before signing up any documents or giving any commitment.

Scorpio: 23rd October – 21st November

Family & Friends
Currently, there could be some discomfort within you regarding your close relationships could be someone in the family. It too shall pass. Do not lose your focus on your work; possibly the problem is more in your thinking, change the way you look at things and the issue will resolve. Let egos dissolve for brighter horizon.

Overall good health this year. If you face any chronic condition or deep pains, all will dissolve only if you clear your thinking. Keep exercise regimen going; discipline is important for self-growth. Do not shirk away from routine. Bring balance and eat right and on time.

Love & Relationships
Every relation needs space. Have faith in your relationship and too clingy a partner becomes a burden for the other. Consider yourself a complete whole as a person, individually and not try to become one with two halves. Get your act together, and blossom as an individual first later two of you will grow better.

It is a promising year for you as far as money matters and concerned. You are likely to get a new job or possibly new avenues of income will open. No harm in taking some calculated risk for a better return in future. Spend some and save some for the future, a good time for investments.

Work & Career
Someone is offering you an opportunity that seems too good to be true. Trust your instincts. If someone isn’t trustworthy, you will be able to feel it. Make sure you stay focused on the tasks at hand this year. It can be easy to get caught up in dreaming, but that doesn’t help you get your work done.

Sagittarius: 22nd November – 21st December

Family & Friends
This is the year you learn to think about the needs of others before you think about yourself. It is a major sign of maturity when you can consider the needs of your loved ones when making a decision. Sometimes, this change is all you need to improve relations with those you love.

You will find a health practitioner who can really help you deal with chronic health issues. Don’t be afraid to step out of the box for alternative therapies. Also, you need to do whatever you can take care of yourself: eating well and exercising go a long way to improving your situation.

Love & Relationships
This year is not good for you to find a new relationship. You are better off using your time to work on yourself. When you have dealt with your own issues, you will be better positioned to commit to a long-term relationship. It would be best if you were patient. Rushing things will only cause problems for you.

This year will be a prosperous one for you. Make sure to find ways to invest it that it will bring returns for you. Also, make sure to help out people less fortunate than you. When you spread around the wealth, it comes back to you. Your generosity and smart financial decisions will be repaid in kind.

Work & Career
You’re at crossroads with your current job situation this year. Things aren’t as you desire and you need to decide if you are willing to wait out the situation or if it’s time for you to move on. If you love your job but are just frustrated, it is worth staying. But if you’re unhappy, you should move on.

Capricorn: 22nd December – 21st January

Family & Friends
This is a good year to let your family know exactly how much they mean to you. We often take for granted the people that mean the most to us, and you don’t want time to escape you without showing how much you appreciate those who have supported you your entire life. Let them know that they are important. 

If you have been facing a chronic health issue, this is the year you can get it under control. Make sure you team with a competent doctor or healer that supports both you and your desire for better health. You need to make changes to your life this year that will benefit your overall health.

Love & Relationships
This will be a great year for your love life. If you are single, you need to get out of your comfort zone and meet people in different places. Be proactive in looking for love. If you are in a relationship, look for deeper commitments this year. You will enjoy the growth of this new stage.

This is the year to be conservative with your money. Don’t make any usual or speculative trades or investments. Sometimes just paying your bills and saving for a rainy day are the best choices. If you need assistance with your finances, make sure to ask a reputable person for help.

Work & Career
You are feeling very creative in your career this year. Use your great ideas to your advantage. People will be inspired. Listen to that still small voice inside you when it comes to your career choices. You have the ability to do great things, and this is the year to do so.

Aquarius: 21st January – 19th February

Family & Friends
This is the year you learn to think about the needs of others before you think about yourself. It is a major sign of maturity when you can take into account the needs of your loved ones when making a decision. Sometimes, this change is all you need to improve relations with those you love.

There is an integration of mind & body- for your health condition search answers within. No harm in exploring alternate therapies, including energy healing. Your physical issues may be the manifestation of your mental blockages. Change the way you think and keep the focus on your words and action. Introduce a regimented exercise routine for better mental & physical health.

Love & Relationships
You have to assess your relationship and be sure that you aren’t hanging onto it because you don’t want to be alone. If you want to fix it, you will need to work hard this year to do so. It won’t be repaired in a  day. Take time to mend your relationship.

This is a year to be conservative with your finances. If you plan to start investing, make sure your investments aren’t too risky, or you may lose it all. Finances don’t seem to be a high priority this year. Just don’t lose complete sight of them or you may end up worse off than you would like.

Work & Career
Work is busy and busy and you will be juggling between many things this year. Opportunities are going to keep coming up, and you will miss none. You will be in many places receiving rewards from all.

Pisces: 20th February – 20th March

Family & Friends
This card is about generosity, and you are feeling particularly generous this year. Show your family you care and be there for them. This isn’t necessarily financial. If they need some help, an ear to listen to them, or a shoulder to cry on, you can be that person. They will be there for you if you need it.

It is important to take charge of your health this year. You may have to wait for answers to your health questions, but you will need to do the work to find them. Investigate what you are facing, find the right doctors and healers to take care of you, and do whatever you can to improve your own health.

Love & Relationships
You need to be patient in regards to your love life this year. You may find yourself interested in someone who may not be as into you. However, don’t give up hope. Spend time forming a friendship and rebuild faith. You will find that this person can fall for you all over again. Patience and respect for the other person will be rewarded. You still do not know the other side of the story.

You have found a way to meet your financial obligations this year, which is a new situation for you. You are feeling more comfortable than you have before. Keep up what you are doing. Whatever has helped to improve your situation, you should keep doing. You are finding your efforts worthwhile.

Work & Career
You are more productive than ever before. The people in charge notice this and are looking to you for a raise or a promotion. Hard work does pay off. If you are looking for work, you will find what you have been looking for. This is a great year to advance your career ambitions.

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