Empty the Vessel to Usher in the New Year

The empty vessel makes the most noise, an old proverb that most of us have grown up hearing. It’s about changing the lens to see another reality; hence as Wayne Dyer says, ‘stay open to all possibilities; the secret to growth. Empty yourself from all that you do not need, i.e. regret, fear, anxiety and more, as we step into yet another new calendar year. No point in carrying regrets; the past is gone and cannot be changed. The future is uncertain, and no anxiety can change the dues. The present is what we have to stay mindful of in gratitude.
As the ancient fable goes, with a burden on shoulders, one cannot move forward, and when the vessel that we are inside is full of past regrets, future worries, anger and frustration for unfulfilled dreams, complaints leaving no space for new energies leading to what one attracts in the time to come would also be the same. The rigidity of mind, non-acceptance of possibilities and stubbornness restrict the flow of life. Let loose, swim downstream with the flow, and guidance will follow.
Usher into the new year with gratitude to all that has happened, pleasant and hurtful, that has made us sail through life’s tough order. We are the end product of life’s offerings, good and bad. Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness or what they did was justified but because, as an individual, we need peace and desire to move forward. Blind turns and what appeared as a dead end, we have survived it all with Grace. Grief, loss, hurt pain are to be felt and accepted to the core with lessons learnt and released, making space for new life energy; making self the vessel of the divine’s will and purpose. We, as individual parts of the jigsaw puzzle, and life situations as they occur do not make sense, but when all these come together, it curates a perfect picture. Stay in faith.
Wishing SUBURB readers a very happy, healthy and benevolent 2023.