Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Do Not Raise Her Fragile!


Start when they are young. Fathers have a particular bond with their daughters, and they play an essential role in guiding their sons – after all, boys want to be just like their fathers. This distinction stems from the reality that girls and boys have different needs. Dads of daughters have the chance to inculcate in their daughters a sense of stability, safety, and resilience. Our society places a lot of pressure on girls to act, appear, and conduct their life in a certain way.

Faced with this culture, fathers must teach their daughters that perfection is an illusion. My father would tell me that I’m beautiful because of who I am, not what I’m wearing.

Vaccinate her against vulnerability

You don’t always strive to protect your children, especially your girls. Since I was a child, my father exposed me to as much of the world as possible, whether it be parties, shopping, marriages, marital discords, divorces, or even cremation sites, and I believe this is what has made me strong. That is the most effective remedy for vulnerability.

As strange as it may seem, it is a father’s responsibility to prepare his daughter for life. Allowing her to fall and get back up, fail and discuss it later, and push through difficult situations are all examples of this.

“You can do tough tasks” is a crucial lesson to teach your daughters. If you can inculcate this in your daughter at a young age, she will have more self-confidence, self-motivation, higher self-esteem and perseverance when her friends would give up.

Prep her up!

Your daughter will appreciate you later for teaching her the value of looking at problems from multiple perspectives, even if she doesn’t like it at the time.

Play “devil’s advocate” with your daughter when she has a problem. Argue with her and make her defend your viewpoint. Demonstrate what it’s like to perceive a scenario from someone else’s point of view.

Self-sufficiency is a valuable skill to instil in your girls. Open a bank account for your daughter as soon as possible. Teach her the importance of saving money and purchasing items on her own.

Always require your daughter to attempt something before assisting her. It may seem insignificant, but she’ll find that she doesn’t require assistance most of the time. Our daughters will learn the majority of what they know from observation. The majority of lessons will be observed rather than taught, which indicates they will observe our actions and absorb our values daily.

Girls will seek out the types of relationships they see at home​ and model​ the same subconsciously.

So, be aware of how you treat your spouse and how you select and treat your friends because she will hunt for husbands and friends based on your example one day.

The bond between a father and his daughter is something extraordinary. You have the chance to teach your daughter life lessons that will benefit her for the rest of her life. You will not be sorry if you take your role as a father seriously.

The author of the article is a practising clinical psychologist and professor in a college.

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