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Lavanya Sundaram pays a poetic tribute to all Mothers


Mother’s Day comes once a year, but her love and contribution in our lives are to be cherished all year long, expresses Lavanya Sundaram.

A mother is God’s most beautiful creation – a true epitome of love, care and selflessness. For a mother, the universe begins and ends with her children to whom she is dedicated the moment she brings them into this world. At each and every stage, she is a constant through life’s ups and downs. Is just one day a year enough to cherish & celebrate this most important person in one’s life?

Lavanya Sundaram, a classical singer and exponant of Bhakti Sangeet – Bhajan & Abhang, shares her emotions beautifully on the occasion of Mother’s Day with a poem whose words have been penned down by renowned poet Sumit Upreti. Touching all the chords of the various roles a mother plays, the poetic rendition pays homage to the spirit of motherhood.

“This is my tribute to a Mother – the most precious and priceless relationship that each of us is blessed with, without whom life doesn’t exist. I feel extremely blessed and honoured to be a musician and with great humility, I carry the responsibility of awakening the Divine, peace and love in the listeners’ hearts,” says Lavanya.

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