Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Your Tarot Cards – February 2023. Read by Sujata Malik


 Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with two decades of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one-on-one sessions, contact: 9811128979.

Aries (21st March-20th April)

Personal: Luck will be on your side as you adopt a new perspective on life. All situations will be favourable for you as it is a time to strengthen your bonds with friends and family.

Finance: This is an excellent month to implement your plan or start new projects. Things will go well for you professionally, whether in a government job or business.

Travel: Professional trips will present themselves this month; it is an excellent chance to expand your professional horizon, so consider it seriously.

Emotions: There may be confusion and disagreements in family matters, but you should be able to discuss and resolve these issues with your family. Reconnect with past friends as it will help you immensely.

Health:  Some minor health problems may arise, but light exercise and yoga will help to improve your health this month. You may experience headaches, so do not take them lightly.

Colour of the month: Blue

Lucky number:  5

Cosmic tip:  Avoid negative thinking, particularly while eating.

Taurus (21st April-21st May)
Personal:  Prepare yourself to face fame and recognition this month; advice from elders could be valuable. The key to happiness this month is to maintain a positive attitude. 

Finance: This month will be great for you on a professional front. Look for any opportunity at the office or workspace, as it can expand your career.

Travel: You may find yourself travelling for short spiritual trips in February. Immerse yourself in spiritual experiences as it is time for relaxing and rejuvenating your mind.

Emotions: This month will likely bring some challenges regarding your feelings. You may have low concentration and confidence, affecting your peace of mind. Focus on the love and support from your friends and family.

Health: Take care of your health and avoid stress, nasal allergies, runny nose, and sneezing may be experienced. The stomach is also tender, and needs are looked into.

Colour of the month: Green

Lucky number:  2

Cosmic tip:  Challenge yourself daily this month.

Gemini (22nd May-21st June)

Personal: This is an excellent time to work on improving any areas of weakness, avoid making hasty decisions and instead take the time to consider all available options carefully.

Finance: Take calculated risks and try new things to achieve positive results. Professionals and media or the communication field may find this month particularly productive.

Travel: Use this time to relax and unwind, prioritizing self-care and spending quality time with loved ones during your travels.

Emotions: This month may bring emotional challenges as you may reconnect with someone from your past. Your sibling may need your support. Communicate openly and honestly to avoid any misunderstandings.

Health: You may experience a boost of enthusiasm for your health at the beginning of the month. Take time to get a health check-up and look into any areas that need attention.

Colour of the month: Baby pink

Lucky number:  6

Cosmic tip:  Work out and exercise regularly this month.

Cancer (22nd June-22nd July)

Personal: The month brings blessings and positive changes to your environment. You may feel fortunate and have opportunities for success in all your endeavours.

Finance: Good luck is indicated, and financial growth is assured. The beginning of the month may show slow progress, but eventually, it will escalate beyond your expectations.

Travel: International travel opportunities may arise. Excessive travel may lead to exhaustion, so staying grounded and making decisions based on your priorities is essential.

Emotions: As the month progresses, you will experience a more harmonious and fulfilling period in all your relationships. Focus on your actions and behaviours rather than pointing fingers at others.

Health: Minor health issues or instabilities may be experienced at the beginning of the month, but you will feel energetic and healthier as the month progresses. Try to stay fit.

Colour of the month: Black

Lucky number:  8

Cosmic tip:  Love is in the air; you must reciprocate love.

Leo (23rd July-22nd August)

Personal: This month may bring positive developments on your front. There also may be minor misunderstandings. It is essential to be patient and make an effort to maintain healthy relationships.

Finance: Your confidence will bring positive responses at work. To succeed in business meetings, it is important to control negative thoughts and focus on your goal.

Travel: You may take a solo trip this month to have some time for yourself and escape daily life’s demands. You can use your time wisely.

Emotions: This month, you may experience betrayal from close friends or family members, which can cause emotional pain. Be aware of who your true friends are, and stay strong in your relationships.

Health: It is important to pay attention to your diet this month. It is a good idea to avoid unnecessary junk food. The throat, in particular, needs attention.

Colour of the month: Orange

Lucky number:  3

Cosmic Tip: Treat your mind like a garden and plant seeds of positive thoughts.

Virgo (23rd August- 22nd September)

Personal: You are someone who loves to experiment with the choices given to you. Be cautious of approaching someone you are attracted to and understand the other person’s motive.

Finance: You will likely experience joy and pleasure in your professional life this month. Your quick wit and charming personality will help you overcome any obstacle at work.

Travel: The month may be challenging for you due to new responsibilities both in personal and professional areas, so travel is not on the cards this month.

Emotions: There will be success in your love life, and you can overcome minor challenges. Your partner will support you during this time of difficulty.

Health: This month, you may face health problems. You may need to visit a doctor. Pay attention to your diet and engage in physical activities to prevent this.

Colour of the month: Lavender

Lucky number: 7

Cosmic Tip: It’s a blessed time with your partner; express your heart’s desire without fear.

 Libra (23rd September-22nd October)

Personal: The month is great, with potential success in new endeavours. It is important to avoid getting into heated arguments or conflicts as they can be damaging on the personal front.

Finance: This month, prioritize tasks that have been left unfinished. Any backlogs in your business and workplace need to be addressed to avoid conflicts in the office.

Travel: You may need to travel for work or business purposes which can provide you with new experiences and broaden your horizon. You can take time to relax as you travel.

Emotions: This month, you may experience heightened emotions, and a new range of emotions may take you by surprise. Control your reactions and avoid getting into any argument.

Health: Some health challenges may present themselves this month. Lack of sleep and anxiety could increase the pressure and affect your mental health. Prioritize your well-being and seek support if needed.

Colour of the month: Yellow

Lucky number: 9

Cosmic Tip: Everything happens in its own time, trust the process and do not rush. 

Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)

Personal: It is time to trust the universe and go ahead with your plans. Follow your instinct and spend some time in nature.

Finance: Your financial goals are unfolding perfectly. Avoid unnecessary spending and invest wisely. Review your financial statements carefully.

Travel: Go out for regular walks and spend time with nature. Spend quality time with yourself by taking a trip overseas.

Emotions: Emotional upheavals are indicated, and you will fight with your emotions. Listen to your inner guidance and ground yourself.

Health: health-related problems may appear this month. Take small steps, treating each symptom as it appears. Speak up for yourself to ease mental and emotional stress.

Colour of the month: 6

Lucky number: white

Cosmic Tip: Avoid multitasking. Pause and enjoy each step in all your tasks.

Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)

Personal: You may feel things are not progressing quickly, leading to anxiety. Know that all the tasks will be completed even if the pace is slow.

Finance: This month presents opportunities to change your career. You may receive additional responsibilities, so you can put in your best efforts to prove your full potential.

Travel: This month, you may go for several personal and professional short trips. Trips will be adventurous, so allow yourself to discover a new side of yourself. Relax and rejuvenate.

Emotions: This month is important for emotional well-being as many changes will be seen. Some days may be sensitive, and you may need mental support. Avoid controversies and be mindful of your communications.

Health: A past health issue may get prompted as the month progresses. Maintain a healthy routine and get a health check-up if needed.

Colour of the month: Magenta

Lucky number:6

Cosmic Tip: Sit in the sun daily and enjoy the sunshine.

Capricorn (22nd December-21st January)

Personal: The month may require you to focus on things you have been putting aside in the past. Prioritize and achieve your objectives as you must take action and work towards your goals.

Finance: New responsibilities may present themselves. It is important not to overestimate your abilities or risk overworking. You can balance your relationship with self-care and be aware of your limits.

Travel: Leisure or business travel is indicated this month. Good time to take a leap and follow your heart on a trip you have been postponing.

Emotions: Romantic relationships may experience special and harmonious times together. Strengthen your bond with your family members. Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts.

Health: Health is favourable this month, but it is essential to be mindful of your diet, especially when eating outside food. Working excessively and multitasking can affect your mental well-being.

Colour of the month: White

Lucky number:3
Cosmic Tip: Take one project at a time. This will help you to remain calm and more attentive to your priorities.

Aquarius (21st January-19th February)

Personal: Progress on the personal front in all relationships is indicated. Luck will be in your favour, so use this opportunity to improve weak areas of your life. Think logically.

Finance: Good time to seek financial support for your professional plans. Have a positive attitude in business meetings, as you will receive your desired results. Expect good professional news on the work front.

Travel: A short trip with your family members is predicted this month. Save money for the trip and reduce any unnecessary expenses. You need this trip for your mind and soul.

Emotions: Take care of your emotions, as they could lead to problems at work. The strength to handle situations will come in handy. Be aware of any arguments with your close ones as this could lead to unpleasantness.

Health: You will strongly urge to start a fresh fitness regime. Minor health issues will arise. It’s important to stick to your health routine to maintain good health.

Colour of the month: Purple

Lucky number: 4

Cosmic Tip: Connect to nature, ground yourself and walk barefoot if possible.

Pisces (20th February-20th March)  

Personal: Keep your aggressiveness in check and avoid arguments with your superiors, colleagues and partners. Try to stay calm and avoid any conflicts.

Finance: It is important to put in hard work and effort to achieve your financial goals. There may be delays in work but stay optimistic and stay focussed. Prioritize and complete the tasks that you have assigned to yourself.

Travel: This month may not be the best time to travel due to potential challenges and difficulties that you can encounter. Avoid planning long-distance trips as you may be too preoccupied with work and responsibilities.

Emotions: It is essential to value and understand the emotions of your partner and other people’s emotions. This is important to maintain a healthy and happy relationship, so control your temper and be mindful of the words you use.

Health: Prioritize your health this month. You may be too aggressive in your approach, leading to impulsive and irrational actions. Losing your temper and acting impulsively can create mental imbalances.

Colour of the month: Green

Lucky number: 7

Cosmic Tip: You will achieve nothing other than disappointments if you rush too much.

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