Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Self-Care in the Covid Times


We may be in a lockdown, but taking complete care of oneself is paramount. Rita Gangwani shares some top tips to keep yourself in top form.

The Covid-19 induced lockdown meant a long period of staying home and no stepping out. While it may sound shallow at this time to talk about grooming and beauty but I shudder to think how we all will look like when we finally emerge from our lock downs untended to!  Imagine people with long and unkempt hair, bushy eyebrows, dry and flaky skin, itchy scalp with dandruff, spiky beards?

Most of us depended on parlors & hairdressers for grooming, or retail & food therapies for de-stressing. But the need of the hour is to be self dependent for your self care. In stressful times, often our personal grooming routines are the first to go down the drain but self-care can actually help reduce feelings of anxiety & self-depreciation. 

Here are simple ways in which you can brighten your mood and hopefully pause the existential crises we are collectively going through together.

  • First and foremost, get rid of those pajamas. Dress up every day as you usually do. Bright & fresh smelling clothes can brighten your mood helping you function better.
  • Have you tried Aromatherapy?  Certain scents activate our limbic system; the part of the brain that controls emotions. Light up your favourite incense sticks or pour few drops of your favourite fragrance in your bathtub, or on your pillow cover to relax & unwind.
  • Baths are not just mood-lifting but also ease muscle tension, hydrate, improve circulation and boost metabolism. Step into that hot shower, lather up, put on your favorite music and just let go of all the fatigue & anxieties.

  • Want to flash a great smile on that important zoom call? Chuck stress bingeing on sugary snacks and ensure brushing your teeth daily to keep your healthy teeth and million dollar smile intact.

  • Mix three spoons of coffee in half cup of yoghurt and apply on your face and give yourself a coffee facial in upward motion! The caffeine improves blood circulation and stimulates the skin to add radiance and youthfulness. It also contains antioxidants, protects against UV damage and prevents against moisture loss.

  • Heightened stress, junk food & AC environment can cause dry patches, breakouts and other skin issues. Exfoliate your skin with homemade scrub twice a week to get rid of dead cells. Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day.

  • Bleach your face with two teaspoon each of tomato pulp and yoghurt and a spoon of lemon juice. Do a patch test if you have sensitive skin. This pack will help you get rid of the dark tanned layer from your skin.

  • Quarantine lifestyles have either inspired or forced people to become hairdressers! If you need a cut, try styling your hair differently for the time being. Cover your roots with a hat. People with short hairstyles can watch YouTube tutorials and hairstyle ideas for managing the time between cuts.

  • Pressing your pressure points is a great stress buster. Few points to help you relax are at the center of your inner wrist as it helps reduce anxiety and regulate energy. Press your thumb firmly onto the spot for a few seconds and then release. Repeat five times.

  • A quick fashion tip for the ladies! With masks now covering up most of our face, let your eyes do the talking. just log on to YouTube and take some inspiration from Middle East women. They have great creative ideas to make your eyes stand out! 

We all are living through a major historical event.  Let’s leave some great stories to tell our kids and pictures that will make you look like a diva!

About the Author: Lieutenant Dr. Rita Gangwani (retired) is a President of India Awardee and has been honored by the World Book of Records. She is the Founder of RIGAHAUS – Rita Gangwani’s House of Personality Transformation and is a leading Pageant & Personality Transformation Coach.

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