Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with two decades of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT) Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one-on-one sessions, contact: 9811128979.
Aries (21st March-20th April)
Personal: Many celebrations are awaiting Aries this month. You will have a great time with family and make good memories.
Finance: Those who are pursuing and studying Law will have great fortune. Investment bankers will receive higher profits.
Travel: A foreign trip will grace you in the middle of the month. It could be personal or professional reasons.
Emotions: You will likely feel an immense surge of passion this month. You may need mental companionship as well.
Health: Cholesterol and diabetes levels need to be checked. Stick strictly to your diet and drink a lot of water.
Colour of the month: White. Lucky number: 7. Cosmic tip: Do not let anything dim your shine.
Taurus (21st April-21st May)
Personal: Some people around you will try to put down your efforts. It would help if you did not let them be into your psychic and be careful.
Finance: This month, you will be very hopeful about your future. It may look a bit hazy, but slowly, you will figure out the right path.
Travel: Travel plans are not indicated this month. Though you may arrange a small meet-up close by mid-month.
Emotions: It is good that you are shredding your walls and trying things out of your comfort zone. It would help if you did not let your guard loose—free feel to express your emotions.
Health: Health is your only wealth. Eat mindfully and prefer to eat home-cooked food. Adapt to better health practices.
Colour of the month: Red Lucky number: 9 Cosmic tip: Walk through the hardships to see the rainbow at the end.
Gemini (22nd May-21st June)
Personal: Thank your stars for giving you a life that is adventurous as well as fulfilling.
Finance: Professionally, you are likely to shine for your creative abilities. You will receive financial skills which will improve your status.
Travel: You might get one or two opportunities to go on a work trip, and it will be all about work and no fun.
Emotions: No matter what happens, you must not lose your temper at any cost. Your kind approach and patient nature will win many hearts.
Health: Improve your health and lifestyle as it is essential to enhance your body’s metabolism. Exercise and work will help you briefly.
Colour of the month: Black. Lucky number: 2. Cosmic tip: Those who stop you from taking risks are your well-wishers.
Cancer (22nd June-22nd July)
Personal: You will find yourself tied to several commitments. Find time to attend to them and give personal attention as they can be very demanding.
Finance: Even though funds are abundant, you need to spend wisely. Plan a budget and move accordingly.
Travel: You will take short vacations throughout the month to various places. Make sure you do not overspend and follow a budget.
Emotions: You will build healthy boundaries in your relationships as they can be too demanding and draining. You may need to put your feelings behind you to be easy and comfortable with yourself.
Health: It is essential to look after your health amid travel and commitments. Make sure that you make healthy choices and do the necessary changes.
Colour of the month: Grey. Lucky number: 6. Cosmic tip: Stop procrastinating.
Leo (23rd July-22nd August)
Personal: It is a month of good luck and fortune, and you will receive loads of gifts from your well-wishers.
Finance: This month, your professional life may seem slower than usual. But it is going to be a great time to work on yourself. Improve your communications skills and pick up new skills.
Travel: Gift yourself a lovely staycation as travelling will exhaust you. Enjoy and celebrate yourself in and around your home.
Emotions: This is a month for pampering yourself and celebrating your existence. Try to stay in a positive mind by loving yourself.
Health: Your body will need rest for all the troubles that you will put yourself into. Focus on improving your diet and work on rejuvenating your body.
Colour of the month: Silver. Lucky number: 5. Cosmic tip: Trust the process that your stars are taking you to.
Virgo (23rd August- 22nd September)
Personal: Use your intellectual abilities to discover various aspects of your personality.
Finance: Finances will flow as it is a hectic month meeting clients and deadlines.
Travel: Travel will take a backseat as work pressure will limit movement from the office and back home.
Emotions: You like to be communicative and share your feelings, and you will find yourself doing much of this.
Health: You will find yourself tired, breaking the discipline of exercise and workout. Be gentle with yourself.
Colour of the month: Lilac. Lucky number: 3 Cosmic tip: Respect others as you would like to be respected by them.
Libra (23rd September-22nd October)
Personal: You will find yourself overindulging in materialistic goods that will comfort you and make you feel happy.
Finance: Excessive indulgence and overspending will lead to a dip in your finances, leading to stress.
Travel: You will find yourself backpacking across your country and enjoying the midst of nature. This will make you feel energised and rejuvenated.
Emotions: The month will be emotionally challenging, and you need to care about your feelings to become stronger.
Health: You will have to start adopting a healthy diet to help you work towards a healthier version of yourself and ensure you feel mentally satisfied.
Colour of the month: Pink. Lucky number: 5. Cosmic tip: Life is a karmic circle. You receive what you give.
Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)
Personal: You may feel yourself acting rationally and impulsive without thinking twice. Many triggers will throw you out of control.
Finance: The fruit of your hard work will increase your bank balance, and you will find yourself in a comfortable financial situation.
Travel: You will decide to spontaneously take off for a short gateway. This will help you release restlessness and bring in fresh energy.
Emotions: Emotions will make you feel extremely low throughout the month. Be aware of your emotions and seek help if needed.
Health: This month will be taxing mentally and emotionally. You will feel extremely drained with a loss of focus and too much stress.
Colour of the month: Purple. Lucky number: 1. Cosmic tip: Drop the rigidity and open yourself to new prospects.
Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)
Personal: It is a time to relax and enjoy life after all your hard work and struggle. You will enjoy a good time with your family.
Finance: You will succeed in re-paying all your loans and borrowings this month and seek growth and progress in your career and finances.
Travel: You may feel the need to travel to your ancestral home. Plan a trip with your siblings and cousins as it will be fun and peaceful.
Emotions: Your emotions are responsible for your weakness and strength. Learn to trust people as your make new friends and embrace new bonds.
Health: Health will not cause trouble for you though some decencies may need attention. Continue your health routine as it enhances your life skill.
Colour of the month: Brown. Lucky number: 9. Cosmic tip: Good things happen to those who are good to their fellow beings.
Capricorn (22nd December-21st January)
Personal: Excessive socialising with friends and relatives will lead to feeling uncomfortable and discontent.
Finance: Finances will be even, but there will be challenges at work. Keep assistance and continue your hard work to receive greater rewards.
Travel: Chances of travel are low as work pressure and responsibilities push holidays to the back seat.
Emotions: Unexplained, overwhelmed emotions that destabilise you may feel strongly this month. Stay grounded and know that this too shall pass.
Health: You are in the prime of your health and should be proud of yourself. Continue to work out and eat healthy as you stay motivated and motivate others.
Colour of the month: Maroon. Lucky number: 3. Cosmic tip: Listen to your heart.
Aquarius (21st January-19th February)
Personal: This month has lots in store for you; it is a month of celebration, meeting friends and making merry. Enjoy this fully.
Finance: You will join a high-paying job if you are not already in one. It may be out of your comfort zone, but it will greatly help raise your finances.
Travel: Start planning a trip full of fun and frolic with your friends. Plan and execute the journey attentively.
Emotions: You need to trust yourself and drop the need for validation from others. Acknowledge your breakdowns and embrace yourself.
Health: Your health may need immediate attention. You may need to monitor any trouble leading to back pain. Do not overburden yourself.
Colour of the month: Orange. Lucky number: 8. Cosmic tip: Resolve your doubts as things are in your favour now.
Pisces (20th February-20th March)
Personal: Make sure you do not make the same mistakes. It is time you learnt from them and broke the old patterns.
Finance: Use your finances wisely and always remember to save for a rainy day. Do not break your investments.
Travel: You may need to travel to attend weddings and functions or events in different destinations. Choose and plan wisely rather than running from one to the other.
Emotions: There will be a few issues and misunderstandings, especially between close friends and you. Drop your ego and value your friendships.
Health: You may receive a health scare that will make you extremely cautious of your health. Change your diet and lifestyle and take better care of yourself.
Colour of the month: Pink. Lucky number: 7 Cosmic tip: Do not allow rejection to bring you down.