Tarot reading – February 2022 for you

Intro: Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with two decades of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT) Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one-on-one sessions, contact: 9811128979.
Aries (21st March-20th April)
Health: Take care of your health as there could be recurring health issues.
Career: Avoid multitasking. Organize and prioritize your work
Finance: Finances are stable and harmonious. Be grateful for the continuous flow of funds
Relationship: Enjoy the simplicity of relationships by being in the present moment. Do not wait for something special to happen.
Taurus (21st April-21st May)
Health: Turning inwards and focusing on meditation will rejuvenate your health.
Career: Things go out of hand as you may feel controlled and suppressed
Finance: Wise investments of the past give you a comfortable position with your funds.
Relationship: A struggling month to bring harmony in your relationships as there is too much mind chatter getting in disturbances.
Gemini (22nd May-21st June)
Health: Health remains sound and is blooming as you are entirely aligned with your soul.
Career: You will excel professionally as your potential will be recognized.
Finance: You will receive financial benefits, which you thoroughly deserve now.
Relationship: New beginnings lie ahead as new relationships open up for your benefit.
Cancer (22nd June-22nd July)
Health: Old health issues may surface, and it is time to deal with them and let them go.
Career: Travelling for work opportunities is on the cards. Step out of your comfort zone and take the flight.
Finance: Enjoy your relationship with your finances and use it to create.
Relationship: Drop all resistances in your relationships. Express and feel your emotions fully.
Leo (23rd July-22nd August)
Health: Stay connected to your roots and experience the wellness of your being.
Career: You are well placed in your career. Enjoy the smooth sail.
Finance: Avoid unethical deals and be truthful with what you have.
Relationship: Be confident, trust yourself, and trust the path on which life is putting you. Enjoy your relationships fully.
Virgo (23rd August- 22nd September)
Health: Be calm and gentle and patiently listen to what your body tells you. The illness is only in your mind.
Career: Trust your abilities and open yourself to receive the abundant blessings in your work environment
Finance: Finances flow in the same way as they have been in the past. Drop the doubts and enjoy the inheritance.
Relationship: Enjoy your relationship as it is at its best. Do not be in a waiting mode, which will make you lose out on the present.
Libra (23rd September-22nd October)
Health: Old health issues may irrupt again, but you are well equipped to heal yourself out.
Career: You may feel unheard at your place of work, but your inputs and opinions are truly valued
Finance: You are handling your finances well and may receive some benefits from your parents.
Relationship: It is a time of non-action, but your wait will be fruitful in your relationship by the end of the month.
Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)
Health: The last bit of trouble in your physical health comes to an end. Stay peaceful.
Career: Continue to make efforts to meet your targets by immersing yourself fully with your actions.
Finance: Be bold to ask for the funds you truly deserve and know you will receive them soon.
Relationship: Your relationship is about to change for the good. Drop the need for comparison as it just complicates the relationships.
Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)
Health: Take good care of your health as overdoing things may burn you out.
Career: Align yourself to the opportunities that are knocking at your door. It is a time to take action and choose the right career path.
Finance: Be generous and share your financial success. Stop being a miser.
Relationship: Relationships are silently blooming. Stay positive and enjoy the silent romance.
Capricorn (22nd December-21st January)
Health: Eat from your heart and not from your head, and it is okay to witness and not indulge.
Career: Move along slowly and steadily and drop the need to take giant leaps as they will only make you suffer.
Finance: Be firm and steady in terms of money. Take the necessary risk to invest as you will receive good returns.
Relationship: Spread love and care as it radiates out of you, allowing yourself to receive the same.
Aquarius (21st January-19th February)
Health: Emotional health is blocking you from moving ahead smoothly. Look after your physical health.
Career: You may be asked to change your position or job. Be open to the fresh and new energy that is coming your way.
Finance: You are surrounded by opportunities that help you to grow finically. It is time you take advantage of them.
Relationship: It is time to listen to your own heart. Break all needs of conditioning and enjoy all your needs to the fullest.
Pisces (20th February-20th March)
Health: Your health needs your attention. Do not ignore it or postpone it.
Career: A transfer or move is indicated in your career, be positive and move ahead.
Finance: Your treasury is full of abundance; enjoy its benefit as they are well deserved.
Relationship: Enjoy the benefits of fruitful relationships you have built from the past. Feel the blessings of these relationships and enjoy them thoroughly.