Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.



To say that Corona virus has changed life is an understatement. Our lifestyles have been altered beyond recognition. We are now continuously forced to continue our lives in front of a screen. Everything is dependent on digital platforms now – be it groceries, school, catching up with family and friends, medical consultations, entertainment, etc. Interactions are truly limited and online school is completely different to our usual education. Most importantly, we all miss our family, friends, going outside, eating out, and so much more, which we took for granted.

Covid Norms

We have all also become almost completely independent & hygiene sensitive.  Services of house helps have been temporary discontinued and all household chores have to be handled ourselves. Sanitising and washing hands every hour has become the norm. Disinfecting everything that comes through the door is not only sensible but absolutely essential. We couldn’t even imagine doing that before any of this happened.

We never in a million years would have thought that everything we know of, the way the world works could be changed in a second. We never in a million years would have thought that the world would halt, that markets, schools, offices and banks would close. Never would have thought that we wouldn’t meet our friends for months at length. Yet, here we are.

Time to Introspect

After all this, the question remains: have we learnt? Have we changed? Or will we go back to our same callous, careless attitudes the second this is over? Will we still wash our hands rigorously? Will we still sanitise when we touch alien things? Will we still disinfect our phones every now and then? Will we limit our physical interactions? Will we steer clear of people with seemingly common coughs and colds? Most importantly, will we still take everything for granted? We all complain now as if we were grateful for what we had then. Well, will we be grateful now? The pandemic has brought the world to its knees! Doesn’t that count for something?

Earlier, all we used to think about was a break from school, from college, from office, from our regular boring lives. Yet now, all we can think about is going back, going back to how it was, waiting for this to get over and be safe enough to get out of our homes. This is reality. This is a blow to the head. This is a wake-up call. This is Mother Nature’s way of healing herself. This is an apocalypse. 

About the Author: Saumya Babbar is an avid reader, loves to write and draw and has over 600 followers on her art account on Instagram. She’s passionate about equal rights, the environment and mental health. She also likes to listen to music and watch movies. She aspires to be a writer for a big newspaper someday!

1 Comment
  1. Raju Bhatia says

    Well written and explained story. Very motivational and truthful.

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